How to set Antivirus Exclusions for Kaspersky Small Office Security on PC Running Windows 10

  1. Locate the icon for Kaspersky Small Office security in the bottom right corner of the screen. Then, right click and select ‘Pause Protection…’. A small popup will show up; select ‘Until the application is restarted’ and click ‘OK’.
  1. Go to the web console and log in to access the installation files. Follow the instructions and complete the installation. DO NOT REBOOT THE COMPUTER UPON FINISHING THE INSTALLATION.
  1. Right click the Kaspersky Small Office icon again and select ‘Kaspersky Small Office Security’ to open the main menu. Then, open the settings menu by right clicking the small gear in the bottom right corner.
  1. After you have opened the settings menu, you should see a list of options on the left hand side of the screen. Select the ‘Additional’ menu, which is the on the bottom of the list. Then, click on ‘Threats and Exclusions settings’.  There should be a row labeled ‘Exclusions’ – click on ‘Manage Exclusions’ , which should be located right under the row.
  1. On the Exclusions page, select ‘Add’ in the bottom right corner of the window and select ‘Browse’, located next to ‘File or Folder’. Locate the installation folder, which can be found in the dashboard under Settings > Account Information > Paths to Exclude for Anti-virus software, or via the popup window after selecting to download the installer file. Important Note: The path excluded in this example will be different then the path you must exclude for your account as this folder is randomized. Please use the path located in your account. Add this folder to the exclusion list by double clicking it.
NOTE: Some items inside the excluded folder may still be recognized by Kaspersky as a virus. A popup will appear in the bottom right hand side of the screen, usually with 3 options: Contain, delete, or exclude. You want to add that file to the Exclusion list. This is will help ensure the software works properly.
  1. Reboot the computer to complete the installation.